

the three languages you should know to build your site

**** html ****

if you want a really simplistic page or you are willing to do a ton of extra work, you can build your page using just html. personally, i find that the personal pages that contain the most real content are ones that use only html as flashy sites often focus on their flashy appearance rather than the content (this is an acceptable use of site, and i equipped this mindset for my own personal site. everyone expresses themselves in different ways.).

html stands for hyper-text markup language and was created to make it easy to build web pages out of the comfort of your very own web browser. it was designed to be easily used by everyone who wanted to use it.

**** css ****

css is used to add style to your page, and is used in addition to html. css is the language that i know the most about because it was the first coding language i've ever used, and i primarily use it to uglify my pages, which is why this page is so ugly. other people use css to make their pages pretty.

css was built for html, so people wouldn't have to put every style choice in the opening tag of every piece of html.

**** javascript ****

javascript helps to make your site more interactive. i use javascript to make things appear when you click or hover over them, but there are much better uses for it.

javascript was made to make sites more dynamic and easily changeable. with a click of a button